Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ode to Megan

This is an ode to Megan! Megan was my freshman instructor at TA, and the best freshman instructor ever! She's taught me everything I know when it comes to hair. We had a blast and everyday was a new adventure. Along with learning so much, we had a couple amazingly fun photoshoots, played the i pod game, had some movie marathons and many delicious treats. As exciting as it was to graduate from freshman and move up to junior, I really miss that freshman classroom! Thanks Megan for being such an amazing instructor and such a great example to all of us! You are so much fun and we all miss you! Thanks for everything, love you!

Our favorite movie in freshman!


Hair and makeup for our first fun photoshoot


Sarah Jane said...

yeah! go megan!

Cameron said...

I hear.. that you have my black sweatshirt. I would like it back. I'm like a lion.